About Us
Team Rising Tide's mission is to facilitate education, stewardship, and advocacy focusing on the marine environment.
We hope to unite and uplift ocean advocates and marine stewards while providing a platform for extreme endurance events and marine-focused education. We will promote, inspire, and empower the change needed to protect and restore our oceans. Through this work, we aim to be the tide that lifts all boats.
The Row
Our task is to compete in the World's Toughest Row Pacific Race in June of 2027. We will be rowing unassisted 2,800 miles from Monterrey bay to Kauai. With your help, along with our sponsors, we hope to raise $500,000 to support local marine organizations both near the start line and the finish.

The Team
We are sailors, divers, and marine advocates that have had incredible experiences on the ocean. We have seen the change that those experiences can inspire in ourselves as well as others, and that is why we are taking on the challenge of rowing across the Pacific Ocean. We are hoping to raise $500,000 to donate to local marine organizations that we believe are making a difference. We want to drive change for ocean impact by supporting organizations working to address challenges affecting our oceans.
San Diego Coastkeeper
San Diego Coastkeeper protects and restores swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters in San Diego County.
San Diego Coastkeeper is a major force in transforming the San Diego region into a leader in sustainable water management, guided by engaged and informed communities, and protective of a healthy environment that supports high biodiversity, resilient ecosystems, and thriving neighborhoods.
Polynesian Voyaging Society
The Polynesian Voyaging Society’s mission is to perpetuate the art and science of traditional Polynesian voyaging and the spirit of exploration through experiential educational programs that inspire students and their communities to respect and care for themselves, each other, and their natural and cultural environments.
Heirs To Our Ocean
Heirs To Our Ocean is empowering the next generation of leaders by connecting them in purpose, educating them on the intersection of the environmental and humanitarian crises they are inheriting, and cultivating essential skills to create innovative solutions and real-world change.
Make a donation
Your donation will do a couple of things: 30% of every donation will go towards getting us to the start line. Rowing across an ocean has many expenses such as training, purchasing a boat, safety equipment, etc. The remaining 70% of every donation will go directly to our three partner organizations. Every little bit helps!
Donate $100 to sponsor one of the 2,800 miles of our race.
Donate $250 to sponsor a single 4-hour shift of rowing to bring us closer to our destination
We are a registered 501(c)(3) in the state of California.
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